The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat, you don't want it, you can't hide it... and no matter what you do, you can't seem to get rid of it!  And once you look in the mirror and see the belly fat hanging down, I know you want to get rid of it fast.

You need the "Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast".  I'll tell you what you need to hear, (not necessarily what you want to hear), to lose belly fat fast... and get rid of those love handles and that beer belly once and for all!

\"Lose Belly Fat Fast\"

So if you're willing to hear the truth about losing fat fast, and do something about it, you can develop the washboard six pack, flat stomach, lean abdominals you've always wanted... absent of the belly fat that has been keeping you from performing, feeling and looking your best!

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Many of you have tried endless crunches and sit ups in search for the six pack look... only to end up tired and frustrated with muscles hidden by layers of fat.  Others have tried reduced calories diets to lose belly fat... and even after all the sacrifices, ending up with more belly fat than when you started.  It seems like nothing works.

The reason... losing belly fat cannot be accomplished, (for most), by the exclusive use of either exercise or diet.  As a matter of fact you need a triple attack to lose belly fat fast!

Your belly fat is a RESULT of your workout program, nutrition plan and lifestyle... so to reduce belly fat you must CHANGE what you do, what you eat and how you live.

It IS as simple as that!

To lose belly fat fast you must...

- burn belly fat through exercise...

- lose belly fat through proper diet...

- avoid belly fat through healthy lifestyle.

And yes, you must do all three if you want to lose belly fat fast... no "can I do only one" or "there has to be an easier way".  And no, there aren't any super fat loss pills or magic potions you can take to lose belly fat fast.

I told you it might not be what you want to hear!

Belly Fat Attack #1... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Exercise

In order to get rid of that embarrassing belly fat... you must exercise to burn fat.

I know what your thinking... "I tried that, and it didn't work!"  And you're right... most exercise programs won't significantly help you lose belly fat fast.  You must combine resistance training to build muscle, intense cardio to burn calories and targeted ab exercise to firm and tighten your mid-section and stomach area.

Only be combining all three methods of exercise will you begin to build the body that will drive belly fat into extinction.  Because after all, this type of exercise does not just destroy belly fat... it builds a muscular, attractive body!

But no amount of exercise will make up for a poor diet, so...

Belly Fat Attack #2... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Proper Diet

In order to expose the firm, tight core you develop through exercise... you must lose belly fat through proper diet and nutrition.

Oh no, I said the 4 letter word "diet".  By "diet" I don't mean those restrictive calorie diets you tried before... only to end up with more belly fat than when you started.  As a matter of fact... don't concentrate on only reducing calories!

Don't focus on what you can't eat... focus on how you should eat to make belly fat a distant memory.  Eat properly, embrace healthy eating habits and improve metabolism... and the belly fat will come off!

If you've been paying attention so far, you would have realized I have changed the classic axiom of "Exercise More, Eat Less" to "Exercise Better, Eat Better"!

But exercise and diet are not the only things you can do to lose belly fat fast...

Belly Fat Attack #3... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Healthy Lifestyle

There is more to life than exercise and diet... your body is a dynamic organism, reacting and adapting to all outside and inside influences.  Therefore, don't sabotage your exercise and diet efforts with an unhealthy lifestyle and low self image.  Drinking, smoking, stress, poor sleeping habits, low self image, etc. all effect your body and can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Getting rid of excess belly fat can actually lower high blood pressure... a major health risk.  Reduce stress, and you create an environment where belly fat fails to thrive.  Last, but certainly not least, improve self image to ensure long term leanness... and you'll keep the bell fat off forever.

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast works... but exactly how it is applied by each individual will be unique to that individual.  While there is probably room for improvement in all the areas of exercise, diet and lifestyle... there is usually one area that is more of a problem than the others.  To start seeing RESULTS for your efforts faster... focus on your biggest problem area first!

Change what you do (effective fat loss workout), what you eat (a healthy diet) and how you live (habits that support your diet and exercise) and you WILL lose belly fat fast.

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Coach Eddie Lomax knows that to lose belly fat fast you must use the best combination of fat loss workout, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: [] Find your best fat loss workout [] and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Weight Loss: Lose Belly Fat Fast

That's what we all want to do but how realistic is it? Losing belly fat and keeping it off permanently is definitely a realistic goal to almost everyone if it's done in the right way.

If you eat more calories than you burn off then your body will store the excess calories in the form of fat that it distributes around your body. Many people store fat on their stomach first because it's the easiest place for the body to put it. You are probably one of these people.

\"Lose Belly Fat Fast\"

That's the bad news but the good news is that if you start to burn off more calories than you consume then your body will begin to convert the stored fat back into energy as you burn it off. If you put more fat on your belly then more fat will be burned from your belly.

Weight Loss: Lose Belly Fat Fast

Keeping fat off permanently

Losing weight is generally easy to do but keeping it off permanently is a different matter. See this article about losing weight too fast: Lose weight and plan to stay lean and healthy. Rapid weight loss results in a reduction of your lean body muscle and other organs as well as unwanted fat. It also reduces you metabolism and tends to give you a good appetite. Not only can this be bad for your health but it's the main reason why most people will regain all the weight that they lost on a rapid diet shortly after the diet ends.

How fast to lose belly fat?

To say that you want to lose belly fat fast is relative. How fast do you want to lose it? If you want to lose 10 pounds or more in a week then be prepared for some health problems and don't expect to keep it off in the long term.

On the other hand losing fat at the rate of about 1 to 2 pounds a week is safe and if you do it using a sensible combination of good nutrition and exercise you will have a much better chance of keeping your weight down permanently.

You might not think that 1 to 2 pounds a week is much but if you lose it as part of a new lifestyle where you continue to eat sensibly and exercise regularly then you could lose 8 pounds in a month, 24 pounds in 3 months or more than 100 pounds in a year. This is a much better approach to losing weight than the lose belly fat fast approach. You'll look better, feel better, have more energy and probably live a lot longer by following this plan.

Weight Loss: Lose Belly Fat Fast

Discover the food that actually helps you to lose fat and pick up a free report and email course that will help you to lose weight and stay looking good Food to help you lose weight at Steve Gee

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

So you read this article to discover how to lose belly fat.

You will get your answers in a minute.

\"Lose Belly Fat Fast\"

But first let me tell you why you should lose belly fat.

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

There are two main ways why a person should lose belly fat.

Social reasons

- Women, you will look more attractive to men.

- Men, you will look more attractive to women.

(Did I say six pack?)

Reduce the risk on getting:

- Hart attacks

- Diabetes

- strokes

- premature death.

I think this say enough? Do something about it. No next month is not a good time.

You must start with losing belly fat today; well okay tomorrow is also fine.

But keep in mind that there are no wonder ways to lose your belly fat.

You will have to work on it for several weeks and although I won't write about it in this article you will have to eat healthy.

Lose belly fat fast - 5 effective ways to do it.

Lose belly fat fast method #1 Belly dancing.

No matter what they have told you belly dancing is suitable for all ages and all types of body.
It will not only help you to lose weight but also to get more self-esteem.
You can buy DVD's about this subject but the best way to do it is by following lessons with a professional instructor.
And let your doctor know it if you start out a new exercise regime.

Lose belly fat fast method #2 Tae Bo

Doing Tae Bo (created in 1975 by Billy Blanks) is a very effective way to lose belly fat.

Just like with other aerobic exercises the hart pumps up blood very fast in your body.

Some people are seeing results in a few sessions of course this depend from person to person.

Make sure your instructor has completed the Billy-Blanks Tae Bo exercises.

Lose belly fat fast method #3 Jogging.

They have always told me the best way to start jogging is one hour before breakfast.

I don't know if that's true but jogging is a very effective way in your battle against belly fat and fat in general.

Jog at least twenty minutes otherwise you won't see any results.

Lose belly fat fast method #4 Crunch exercises

Doing crunch exercises is one of the most common methods to train the abdominal muscle.

You will see more result if you do use a swiss ball.

Lose belly fat fast method #5 Don't drink alcohol.

There is nothing wrong with drinking a cold beer but don't do it to often.

Alcohol contains a lot of calories and your goal is to lose calories.

My recommendation to you do not drink more then two glasses of alcohol
per day.

But you must keep in mind that doing exercises is not enough to lose belly fat.

You should adapt your eat pattern.

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Who else wants get their hands on an incredible free ebook "Big fat lies". Do you know that the health industry is scamming you? Billions of dollars are being spend on weight loss products? But do they work? And what is the alternative. Discover the truth Download your free report

How To Lose Belly Fat For Women

Belly fat is the most frequently asked question by women, and of course they want the fastest and quickest way to lose it. There are many articles and diets out there that claim they can help you lose unwanted belly fat but it can be very overwhelming. I have been in the fitness industry for 10 years and have worked with real women that have struggled with these issues. Let me say it can get a bit complicated then just going on a diet. Women do struggle more than men to lose this. You must be patient in the process as it is not a linear process.

First off, I don't like the word "diet" it sounds very negative, and is short-lived. Most women that go on fad diets gain the weight back and then some, which contributes more to losing belly fat. What you first must understand is that if you want to really lose the belly fat you must adapt a healthy life-style. You also must mentally prepare yourself for this and feel you are ready to change. It is a decision to be committed rather than just interested. Committed means you do what it takes, and interested is that you will only do just a little and end up frustrated because you didn't get the results you wanted.

\"lose Belly\"

The first thing you want to do is look at your nutrition. The main thing to be concerned about is calories. Too little calories and the belly fat will not come off and the same thing for too many. You need to be in the right calorie deficit to lose belly fat. You might be thinking of what type of plan you should be on, but the real secret is how many calories you are taking in for the day, but also make sure that protein is set up to your daily requirement. This can vary anywhere from 1-1.5 grams per body weight or some like to go by their lean muscle mass.

How To Lose Belly Fat For Women

The second thing you need to get is fish oils (6 grams daily) this will help you lose fat.
You actually need the right amount and types of fat to lose the belly fat. Most programs can show you how to take weight off, put if your serious about losing the belly fat you need to focus on fat loss not weight loss for permanent results. As you progress your body will plateau and you actually have to keep adjusting your metabolism. This is done mainly through nutrition.

Believe it or not sometimes you have to go up in calories in order to lose more belly fat. I know this may sound counterintuitive but it's true. Do this very carefully, otherwise you can end up worse off than before. I recommend hiring a highly skilled fitness professional that knows how to do this. They must understand nutrition beyond the scope of what most people think.

Thirdly, is your training program. This will consist of both weight training and cardio. I find many women doing cardio the wrong way. Forget about long sessions on steady state cardio, these can actually produce too much cortisol, which leads to belly fat. Many women are exercising this way to lose belly fat, when in fact they are being counterproductive in their exercise. The right way to do cardio to lose belly fat is interval and HIIT (high intensity interval training). These are short bursts that can be done outside or on a cardio machine. For example of HIIT would be 20 seconds of a workload followed by 30 seconds recovery then repeat the cycle for 8-12 times then perform a moderate cool down. Intervals will be longer in both work and rest segments. When it comes to losing belly fat, weight training is very important and you want to keep a variety of reps schemes.

Doing heavy sets one week (6-8 reps), and the following higher rep sets (10-15) is a good way to mix things up. There are many ways you could put together a weight training program, but I want to stress that you need to have variety and don't think doing light weights and more reps is going to get rid of the belly fat either. Just to keep things simple, know that you need to vary your program. Another key to getting rid of belly fat is intensity, if you are working out and you are not sweating an breathing hard then you need to push yourself harder. Dont' waste time when you are working out, rather keep your sessions intense and keep rest brief in between sets (45 seconds- 2 minute rest). This will vary depending on your program.

The forth component is tracking your progress. Take your body fat every 2 weeks, along with measurements, pictures, and try on a pair of pants that are too small. Things can fluctuate so you might have the measurements read the same but your pants feel looser. I find that by doing all of these things gives you a more accurate picture. Even the mirror can be deceiving as you look at yourself everyday, water weight can give you the wrong impression of progression. If you are not changing after every 3 weeks, you need to change your program. Women tend to stay on the same program for a long time and wonder why things aren't working. Like I said in the beginning, losing belly fat is not a linear process. You're body will plateau, so you need to take the necessary steps in tweaking your program.

Lastly, but most importantly is conditioning your mind to stay motivated. For some reason this doesn't get addressed the way it should. Everything you do is a mental process and that goes with losing the unwanted belly fat too.

How To Lose Belly Fat For Women

Heather Picken, helps women 30+ all over the world with the surest and fastest way to lose unwanted belly fat & inches. She is the creator of the revolutionary fat-burning system "6-Week Fat-Burning & Instant Motivational System and Co-Founder of

How To Lose Belly Fat - Tips And Strategies

In this article I'm going to give you some awesome information on how to lose belly fat and after reading this you'll surely know what you need to do to slim down your stomach. Most people have the wrong idea when it comes to losing belly fat and unfortunately they end up wasting their time. To ultimately achieve success in losing weight you're going to have to look at what actually works instead of focusing on the stuff that never seems to get you any results. There aren't too many resources out there that give legitimate information on how to lose belly fat but I'm going to give you the cutting edge information that will accelerate your results.

The first thing I'm going to share with you is what you should be eating to lose weight. Most people are under the wrong impression with what they should be doing and they waste their time eating low fat diets and restricting their calorie intakes. Both of these diets have been proven to not be effective in losing belly fat but what is actually going to work is to reduce your insulin levels. This can be achieved by consuming foods which will not spike your blood sugar levels and some of these foods include grains, sugar and dairy. This is going to be more difficult than it sounds because the majority of processed foods use an abundance of them.

\"lose Belly\"

Not too many people know this but to lose weight it's going to be necessary to restrict your fruit intake and instead replace it with vegetables. Many of us have been taught that fruit is really good for us but in reality it's loaded with sugars which will not only cause us health problems but also cause us to put on fat. Dairy should also be restricted because it will also raise your insulin levels and if you're not willing to give up your dairy intake then you should search for raw dairy sources. The reason for this is because the raw dairy will contain more natural enzymes which help with the digestion of the food so you can maximally absorb the nutrients.

How To Lose Belly Fat - Tips And Strategies

The next step to lose belly fat is going to be to stop focusing on abdominal exercises such as situps and crunches and instead focus on doing interval training. This method of working out is much more effective at fat loss because it'll accelerate your heart rate and keep your body burning fat well after you have finished working out. The hard part about this type of exercise is the higher degree of intensity that it requires and if you're not willing to put in the extra effort then you'll fail at this. But if you're serious about getting results then interval training is a highly effective answer on how to lose belly fat.

How To Lose Belly Fat - Tips And Strategies

The author of this article on how to lose belly fat is a certified personal trainer with a degree in nutrition from Sacramento State University.  For more articles like this one then also check out his blog on how to lose stomach fat.

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast: Stomach Liposuction Alternatives

For people who wonder how to lose belly fat fast without the pain, inconvenience, and expense of liposuction - this article is for you. Yes! Tummy reduction alternatives do exist. It's important to figure out which options are best for you and your lifestyle.

Maybe you're tired of exercises that don't work or take too much time; perhaps you've tried diets, pills and things like that, with little to no results. Don't give up. There's still hope for you - you just need to know what method works for you personally and stick to it until you reduce that belly fat.

\"Lose Belly Fat Fast\"

Before we move forward I wanted to mention a key aspect: consult with your doctor. This article is not a substitute of seeking for professional help and health guidance.

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast: Stomach Liposuction Alternatives

A centuries-old technique, body wraps, are one alternative. The wraps are applied to specific areas of your body such as your thigh or the most popular one: a saggy tummy. A professional wrap usually combines forty-five minutes compression and a liquid treatment. The result is firmer tissue and smoother skin. Wraps boost your willpower and inspire you stick to your diet and exercise.

You may also choose the alternative of Mesotherapy. Widely used in Europe for over fifty years, this technique is new to the United States. By injecting fat-melting serums into targeted areas, at the layer of skin most likely to hold fat cells releases that fat. The dissolved fat is carried out of your system naturally. Many women find this a less-invasive way to lose belly fat fast. It also reduces the appearance of cellulite in the target area.

Maybe you find injections difficult to deal with. Completely non-invasive liposuction using a laser could be just want you need. In this treatment, a laser is used to melt fat deposits under the skin. Newer lasers complete this task without damaging your skin. Because your body must then remove the fat released from your body, the results may take longer to appear. However, this treatment has little or no down time.

Traditional liposuction creates the same potential risks as any surgery. Many people aren't willing to take the risk of invasive surgery as an answer to the question, "How can I loose belly fat fast?" In that case, it's time to look for other options. Often, diet and exercise isn't enough to get you that flat tummy you want. So consider an alternative to stomach liposuction.

But wait, there's more! Discover Top 27 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Reduce Your Tummy (Abdomen).

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast: Stomach Liposuction Alternatives


How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

Are you trying to lose that annoying Belly Fat? I'm sure you have heard that sit-ups and crunches are the way to do it, because those exercises make use of the abdominal muscles. However while it is absolutely true that sit-ups will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you stronger in that area, and you may look thinner because your improved muscles hold in the fat better, this does not actually reduce belly fat in itself.

For a complete and long lasting solution to how to lose belly fat, we need to look at how the body works and how it is able to actually lose weight. The simple fact is that if you are going to lose weight - from any part of your body - you need regular exercise. The fact that the most obvious and visible area of excess fat in your body is your belly does not alter this fact. When you do not exercise enough, or over-eat for a protracted period, one of the areas which naturally shows this excess more than others is the belly. Similarly if you start to exercise and lose weight, it will disappear quickest from the same belly area. So no special "belly exercises" are actually necessary - just healthy exercise!

\"lose Belly\"

In addition to exercise, diet plays a critical role in losing or gaining weight. You can exercise but still find you are gaining weight if you are eating very badly or in large quantities. So both exercise and diet are required to get the full effect. You need to adjust your diet so that you are burning more calories than you consume, at this point you start to "burn" the calories stored as fat in your body. Obviously changing your diet to reduce the amount of calories being consumed helps, as does reducing the actual quantities of food you eat if you have been eating excessive amounts.

How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

The key to losing belly fat is actually quite simple, and there really is no secret or special program - exercise, and eat less (and eat well). So the two key action points are firstly to reduce the calories you eat, with smaller amounts of food or lower calorie foods. Secondly every day perform some physical exercise. Do this and you WILL lose that belly fat!

How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

Learn how to Lose Body Fat Permanently without using drugs, supplements or crazy diets at

How To Lose Belly Fat With A 10 Minute Workout

Are you looking to change the shape of your body or trying to lose belly fat without joining a high priced gym? If so, try this high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that that was developed by Keli Roberts.

With this 10 minute exercise routine you can burn up to 150 calories every single day.

\"lose Belly\"

The first two minutes of this fat burning routine is: Jump Rope - Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the balls of your feet (that is the upper part of the bottom of your foot). Keep thinking I am losing weight.

How To Lose Belly Fat With A 10 Minute Workout

Minutes two to three: Squat Thrust into a Push Up. The proper technique for this exercise is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. Slowly squat down with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one movement, push your legs back and out behind you (into a pushup position). Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back up. Keep thinking, the fat is vanishing.

Minutes three to four: Jump Rope with only one jump per turn. Keep thinking, The fat is melting away.

Minutes four to five: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Side Plank. After completing your squat thrust and push up, you are going to lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. And you will rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Keep thinking, no more belly.

Minutes five and six: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. keep thinking, I am losing body fat.

Minutes six and seven: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Lower your foot and repeat on the other side. Hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again. Keep thinking, goodbye belly.

Minutes seven and eight: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my belly is getting smaller.

Minutes eight and nine: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in minutes two and three only this time after your push up, you will quickly jog in place from your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation. Perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. Keep thinking, I am going to lose weight.

Minutes nine and ten: Jump Rope. Same as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this everyday, I will lose belly fat. Good luck to everyone.

How To Lose Belly Fat With A 10 Minute Workout

We recommend using a soft padding such as a yoga mat when performing this exercise. This will cut down on any injury and save some of those knee joints for you. If you need more information on gym mats and yoga mats, please visit Ultimate Fitness Equipment - for all of your fitness needs.